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home About us  >  Management philosophy

Management philosophy

Business vision


  • Being acknowledged as the best enterprise from clients by contributing to the success of clients with the best technology, quality and service

Talent vision


  • Talents treated fairly according to their ability and performance while growing together with the company as an organizational member and intellectual

Cultural vision


  • Realization of an enterprise culture of challenging and innovating endlessly toward the best in the world and regarding the family’s dream as important based on mutual trust and harmony




Firm belief between
employees and managers
The clients, subcontractors and our company strive to concentrate on the goal as a unity under the basis of honesty and morality.
3번Owner spirit
My machine,
My company and My customer
  • KODACO will provide the best aluminum die casting, ultra-precision machining and service in the world.
  • KODACO will supply the products and services of the optimal quality on the
    client-desired time at a competitive price.
  • We will put our first priority to the realization of customer satisfaction all the time.
  • We will make an effort to enhance our employees’ welfare.
  • We will be equipped with competitiveness through cultivating competent talents.
  • We will be equipped with competitiveness through cultivating competent talents.

MISSON-품질 및 생산경쟁력 극대화를 통한 WORLD BEST 전문기업 추구

TIP717 campaign


What is TIP717?

Mutual trust – Our relationship to overcome any misunderstanding or difficulty and cooperate for realization of vision by showing our position clearly to each other
Innovation enhancement – Our will to seek the best quality in the world by accommodating new knowledge and changes with a modest mind and practicing it aggressively
All participation – Our posture to lead everything by example and face work positively with a thought that I am first rather than others
717목표(도약의해)-7대 낭비 제거를 통한 매출목표 2,750억원 돌파 및 순이익 5% 달성

Quality and environmental policy

Quality and environmental policy
  • Quality management based
    on diversified clients
  • Enhancement of competitiveness with quality revolution
  • Settling down as a trusted company by clients
2013 environmental policy
  • Establishment of an environmental management system
  • Observation of environmental laws
2013 environmental goal
  • 10% energy saving
  • 5% effluent reduction